Sweet Of The Week!

So this is it! Schools have broken up and its officially summer! And what better way to kick start the summer with some free sweeties!

This week we are giving away a stash of scrumptious gobstoppers, guaranteed to keep your gobs stuffed for most of the summer!


To win this jar of goodies simply comment below with your favorite thing to do in the summer, it could be anything from going to the beach to eating ice cream! Just let us know and here at Chewbz HQ we will choose our favorite comment and let you know next week who the winner is!

Contest Closes Thursday 26th July at 7.30pm, So good luck and get typing!

Our lucky winner from last week was Edith with her touching story of taking each day as it comes!
We hope you and your husband have an extra sweet day with the sweeties that are coming your way 🙂

21 thoughts on “Sweet Of The Week!

  1. Keith C says:

    My favourite thing about summer is breakfast picnics! If there’s a lovely Sunday morning in the summer we pack a nice breakfast of croissants and jam,lemon yoghurt, cold orange juice and fruit (I have to carry it of course to make up for the loss of a Sunday’s lie-in!).

    We then go for a walk in the hills in the sun, seems like there is no-one else awake in the world, so peaceful, and its wonderful and romantic to lie on a picnic rug in the grass basking in the sun and looking at the beautiful countryside.

  2. Nat says:

    I like getting an ice cold icelolly and putting it up my boyfriends back when he’s not looking

  3. Laura McGillivray says:

    You can beat a drive to the coast with friends and a picnic followed by some larking around in the water. Then home for a sneaky wee bbq and some refreshments oh bliss.

  4. Liam Stephens says:

    In the summer i like to take my family on various days out to keep the kids amused this could be simply apicnic at the local park or a trip to the beach or visiting a national park.

  5. Steph says:

    My favourite thing to do in the Summer is spending time with my family in the Sun. We sunbathe, play water fights and enjoy being together. Oh…we also eat lots of sweeties – that goes without saying..! 🙂

  6. Philip Hallam says:

    My perfect summer day is spending the day in the park with my girlfriend having a picnic, playing tennis and cooling down at the local swimming pool, then relaxing in a pub’s beer garden in the evening with a few refreshing ciders 🙂

  7. Danny E says:

    Going to Skegness when it’s a lovely sunny morning, then it raining as soon as we arrive! But enjoying the beach anyways in the typical English weather!

  8. Nikita Hopkins says:

    Taking my dog and sisters for a walk up Beacon Fell in Lancashire and watching the sunset… Truly beautiful!!

  9. Lauren says:

    I love sunbathing and walking in the summer. I like these because they are free! Also because I can do them with my friends and family!

  10. Cheryl Lovell says:

    I like how I am sooo diplomatic when my dad always burns food on the BBQ….I eat it every time!

  11. Sam G says:

    This year I loved taking my little girl to the beach to experience the sand which she loved and crawled straight to the sea and got a shock when she got wet. She also enjoyed trying a bit of ice cream but enjoyed my fudge most 🙂

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